Consisting of former police officers with years of experience in solving domestic conflict and identifying the triggers that result in young people offending, UCAN is able to offer expert help and support to local authorities and other voluntary sector organizations.
This also includes direct Alternative Provision work with SEND and Neuro-divergent young people and multi-agency working in Teams Around the Child. We also provide partnership training for statutory bodies and local authorities.
“Steve from UCAN has been working in the Sudell area of Darwen where I am the local PCSO. I have worked this area for over five years and can honestly say it is one of the most deprived areas in Lancashire. The people, and in particular, the children in the area are very hard to engage with. Steve has successfully engaged with the most problematic youths in the area, and he has gained their respect and that of their parents.
Since Steve’s intervention I have noticed a reduction in antisocial behaviour in the area and feel that Steve has played a large part in this. Steve is a professional and enthusiastic member of your team, and I would not have any issues recommending him for any future projects you may decide upon.
Please pass on my thanks to Steve for his invaluable work with the vulnerable people in Darwen.”
Visit Contacts to work with UCAN to reduce antisocial behaviour and create positive opportunities for young people.